
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Buenas Dias Amigos! It has been a minute since I last wrote a blog so here is a little update. My team has been with a new ministry partner here in Medellin for the past week serving and growing in so many new ways. This ministry is much less structured and we have gotten to heighten ourselves in listening to the Holy Spirit and allowing Him to lead us.

This past week has taught me so many things. The one that has been highlighted though is the true power of prayer. This is something that I have been learning and witnessing, the full two months that I have been here in Colombia.

I knew in my head that there is power in prayer. I know the verses about praying for everything but never let that truth be known in my heart. My prayer life leading up to this felt flat. I would pray prayers and feel like they were safe prayers. Prayers that I knew would be okay if the answer from God was no. When I would pray in repentance,I would be very general in my prayers of repentance because I knew God understood my heart.

Colombians have such a way when they pray. They can sit for hours and pray corporately and individually. When we sat in our first prayer battle before a tough ministry assignment, I was sort of in shock. They prayed boldly, loudly, and with so much power that really convicted me to look at my prayer life.

They would lament, praise, repent, and everything in between in these prayers and spoke with so much power that I knew in my spirit God was paying attention to these prayers and there were going to be big things coming.

Then this past week we went to a neighboring town to do some evangelizing for a local church. It ended with a night full of worship and prayer. Started praying corporately then being asked to all pray over certain individuals. Honestly, at first, I felt weird because it wasn’t something I am used to doing in that kind of setting. However, the Holy Spirit was there, and we all began fighting against the lies of the enemy and standing with our fellow believers and God was glorified.

Praying safe prayers is not always a bad thing but it does put human limitations on our supernatural God. He delights in bold and audacious prayers. We cannot expect to see miracles and major prayers answered if we are not praying those prayers. I have learned that fully coming before God and letting Him know me and asking for bold things is more than okay, He delights in it. There is so much power in all of our prayers. My prayer life, while not perfect, is on the up and up. I am learning to pray these prayers and fully surrender before the glorious Father.

2 responses to “What God is teaching me about prayer”

  1. I’m very happy you’re learning first hand how powerful prayer is! You and your team continue to be in mine.

  2. Ahh Matthew 7 – ask seek knock, baby! So excited that you’ve been able to witness a new level of the Lord’s power and provision when we call on His name! I can’t wait to see how he keeps showing in this! And I’m so proud of you for stepping out and meeting him there :))