
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Good morning friends and family! 


It has been a while since I last wrote an update but here I am! We are about 11 days away from the end of the race. These are my thoughts about it:


First, I want to thank everyone who has supported me along the way. Weather financially, through prayer, an encouraging text, or anything in between. I would not be here and have this experience if you hadn’t been there and listened to the Lord’s promptings. He has done so much within me, through me, and around me. I am excited to come back and sit and have coffee to tell people about this year. 


Second, we are stepping into the transition space right now. Fighting a battle between reflecting, staying present, and dreaming with God. It’s fun to dream about where we are going next and the Lord is doing amazing things in each of my squad members lives. However, we have been living all together for 11 months and there is sadness that comes with parting ways with people who have made such a HUGE impact on my life and walk with Jesus. 


I am excited to be coming home and moving into where the Lord has placed me for this next season. As I mentioned I would love to grab coffee and chat about this year but in due time. It has been 317 days of life and lessons learned. 


This experience has changed my life. It has taught me how to love my neighbor the way Jesus did. It has taught me the importance of standing with each other through the trenches and on the mountaintops. It has taught me how to make rice on a stove top, and only slightly burn it. I am thankful for all the hardships and celebrations. Thankful for everything and carrying it with me into the rest of my life. 


Love y’all and see you soon! 


3 responses to “How The World Race Changed My Life”

  1. We are so proud of you and what you have done these past 413 days and look forward to the days in your journey with Jesus. Be sure to keep us updated and let us know if you still need financial support, please do not do the Lord’s work because of finances. Love you so very much! Aunt Judy and Uncle Jerry

  2. We are so anxious to hear about your year of adventures and what exciting things the Lord has done for you and through you. Can’t wait to sit down with you and talk after you’ve had a chance to decompress! Love you, sweet girl!

  3. Reflecting, staying present, and dreaming is a tough balance to find!! Proud of you and looking forward to hearing all about it!!