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2 Corinthians 9:8 “And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others.”

Happy July Y’all! 

I can’t believe that it is already July. The first 6 months of the year have literally been crazy and thrown us all for a loop. Last week I came back to Texas to visit for a while since the lack of human interaction the past few months started to really take a toll. I came back to see family and have some space. It has been interesting coming from NYC where everything has been so strict for months to somewhere that is cracking down a little more because of a spike in cases. One thing all of this has really taught me is that I am not in control God is. 

I have struggled for as long as I can remember in letting go of “control” and fully trusting in God to provide for me. One reason that I felt called to World Race is to learn to fully depend on God. Have you seen my fundraising goal? IT’S HUGE! I knew that it would have to be God to provide those funds for me to go on this. 

I went on mission trips in middle and high school. I remember that they were so fulfilling and really ignited my fire for serving people. Seeing God work in so many different ways was amazing. So being offered this opportunity my heart skipped a beat. It felt like God was whispering in my ear “Trust me daughter, and you will see just how much you are loved and the things I have planned for you are so much better.” That takes letting go of control. Which is hard!

June was a HUGE month for me. I started really feeling the need to pray about the trip, money, and mundane things in my life. This has lead to deeper relationships. The more I talk to God the more I am able to hear form Him. The more that I can trust in His plan for my life. He continues to provide for me even when I doubt Him sometimes. 

My doubt comes in when I try to think that I am in control. That I am able to do these things on my own. My God is a God that can (and will) move mountains. He is the God of the impossible. That is what this race means to me. This race is something that I would believed was impossible for me. That I was not capable of raising the money, that I am not a strong enough christian, that I wouldn’t be good at it. 

God is gracious and loving. He has wrapped me in a warm hug. He continues to be faithful to me in showing me just how loved I am. Showing me that this is where I am supposed to be and what I am supposed to be doing. 

I am ready to see what July holds and to continue growing in my letting go of control. Thank you all for walking in this with me. For your encouraging words and your support. It has been a blessing to grow closer with everyone and seeing how much people believe in me!

As I continue walking this path and fully growing in my relationship with God I am seeking 30 people to partner with at $50 a month until the end of December. This will allow me to launch into my ministry fully-funded! This partnership also allows me to continue to learn and grow with you. You will be updated through my blog and occasional postcards when I am abroad. This partnership is inviting you into my ministry in an active way. I ask you to prayerfully consider joining my monthly support team. I would love to connect and talk and answer any questions you may have. Head over to my contact page and we will have a lovely chat!! 

Thank you Everyone! 

One response to “Letting go of Control”

  1. Welcome home to the Great state of TEXAS. Hope to get to see you while you’re here. Keep praying, keep hoping, keep trusting.